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Category: Tasmania

Een avontuur naar de meest zuidelijke staat van Australië: 5 dagen in Tasmanië

Het was eindelijk zo ver. Eindelijk was ik onderweg naar het voor mij nog onbekende Tasmanië. Het is toch wel een staat die je vaak laat zitten wanneer je door Australië reist. Maar ik ben enorm blij dat ik eindelijk deze geweldige tour heb mogen doen! Ik heb de Famous 5 tour gedaan en de […]

POV: 5 Day Tour of Tasmania

I have just got back from the best 5 days in Tasmania, a state that often gets left out when travelling through Australia by Europeans. I am extremely happy that I finally got to do this amazing tour, and definitely would add it to my Australia recommendations for solo travellers (or with a friend)! I […]

10 Photos That Will Make You Fall in Love with Tasmania

Tasmania is a rugged, remote gem that is beloved by Australians and visitors alike. The island is located to the south of Victoria, making it a great getaway destination from Melbourne. But wherever you are based or planning to visit, we highly advise you tack a Tassie trip onto your journey. From forests to mountains […]

Best Australian Festivals to Attend this Winter

Just because summer has gone in the Southern Hemisphere doesn't mean festival season has to go with it. All across Australia, there are plenty of music, arts, food and cultural festivals to keep you entertained all winter long. Here are a few of our favourites to check out this year. See you there? Queensland View […]

Which Australian City Should You Travel To?

Australia may look small on the map, but it's actually a very large and diverse country. With six states, two territories and five major cities (plus several smaller ones), deciding where to go and what to do while you're in Australia can be tricky. That's why we're here to break it down for you and […]

Ultimate Tasmania Travel Guide

Known for its rugged beauty, stunning scenery and tasty produce, Tasmania is a feast for the senses. Everywhere you go you’ll find something to amaze you, from gorgeous beaches and unique wildlife to World Heritage mountain areas and historical centres. Oh - and don't forget the fresh fruit and produce you’ll find at every stop! […]

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