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Category: Solo Travel

Een avontuur naar de meest zuidelijke staat van Australië: 5 dagen in Tasmanië

Het was eindelijk zo ver. Eindelijk was ik onderweg naar het voor mij nog onbekende Tasmanië. Het is toch wel een staat die je vaak laat zitten wanneer je door Australië reist. Maar ik ben enorm blij dat ik eindelijk deze geweldige tour heb mogen doen! Ik heb de Famous 5 tour gedaan en de […]

POV: 5 Day Tour of Tasmania

I have just got back from the best 5 days in Tasmania, a state that often gets left out when travelling through Australia by Europeans. I am extremely happy that I finally got to do this amazing tour, and definitely would add it to my Australia recommendations for solo travellers (or with a friend)! I […]

3 days on K’Gari (Fraser Island)

This past weekend was a whirlwind of adventure as I headed off for a three-day trip to the stunning K'Gari (Fraser Island). Bright and early at 6:45 am on Friday, we gathered at the Roma Street Bus stop in Brisbane, where I met Trent and the rest of the group. Trent, our fantastic tour guide, […]

Empowering Female Adventurers Through Solo Travel

Embarking on a solo trip can be a life-changing experience, filled with self-discovery, empowerment, and unforgettable memories. As a solo female traveler, you have the power to craft your own journey, explore new horizons, and embrace the world with open arms. In this guide to solo travel, we'll provide you with valuable tips, advice, and […]

How to Spend a Week in Sydney Australia

Discover the best of Sydney and Bondi Beach with this exciting 7-day tour package Looking for an epic week Down Under? Welcome to Sydney! This Ultimate Sydney, Bondi, and Blue Mountains group tour will introduce you to this fantastic city, highlighting its iconic destinations, from Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge to Bondi Beach […]

A Taste of the Tropics

Fuel your appetite for great food and adventure with a trip to Port Douglas

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7 Reasons Why Solo Travellers Need to Backpack Around the Philippines

Southeast Asia has been the go-to backpacking destination for years now, but the Philippines still remains a favourite among travellers all over the world. This tropical archipelago has garnered this well-deserved reputation due to its beautiful natural surroundings, welcoming people, and great food. If you're still in doubt, here are seven reasons to book your […]

The True Franz Josef Experience

Good Morning Franz Josef 9:15 am and I wake up because my alarm is going off… did I have a good sleep! I’ll need my energy today for sure because we’re going onto the glacier with Franz Josef Glacier Guides to do the “Ice Experience tour.” So excited to go onto the Glacier. We were […]

Top 10 Destinations for Solo Travelers

There are many destinations that are great to visit with others, whether it be family, friends or a partner. But that doesn’t mean that a solo trip needs to be an inferior experience. Solo travel is great for all sorts of reasons, and it’s even better when you’re visiting places that cater to lone rangers. […]

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