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Category: International Travel

Under the Spotlight: Olly Gaspar's Six Years of Non-stop Adventure Travel

When it comes to the legends of adventure travel, few names resonate as profoundly as Olly Gaspar. With six years of non-stop exploration under his belt, Olly has cemented his place as a travel expert and an inspiration to wanderlust-driven souls worldwide. His blog, "We Seek Travel," is a testament to his relentlessly adventurous spirit […]

Een avontuur naar de meest zuidelijke staat van Australië: 5 dagen in Tasmanië

Het was eindelijk zo ver. Eindelijk was ik onderweg naar het voor mij nog onbekende Tasmanië. Het is toch wel een staat die je vaak laat zitten wanneer je door Australië reist. Maar ik ben enorm blij dat ik eindelijk deze geweldige tour heb mogen doen! Ik heb de Famous 5 tour gedaan en de […]

The most important documents when moving to Australia

Moving to a foreign country can be a stressful experience, but we want to make it as enjoyable as possible for you! Therefore we have put together a list of frequently asked questions to help you before your big move to Australia. We have a lovely international team who have shared personal recommendations on certain […]

The Best Places to Travel in 2024

As we step into 2024, the travel landscape is evolving, offering a plethora of exciting destinations that cater to the diverse interests and desires of travellers. Drawing insights from the latest consumer behavior trends, our team of travel experts present the crème de la crème of travel destinations for the year ahead. Sustainable Escapes in […]


Answered by our team of Travel Experts.

5 Ways To Get To Machu Picchu Depending On Your Travel Style

Machu Picchu sits high on top of the Andes Mountains just above the Urubamba River valley. It was believed to have been a religious site or a royal estate for Incan leaders. It's made up of about 150 different types of impressive stone buildings, but its mystery makes it about its purpose makes it even […]

All The Stupid Ways I've Wasted Money Overseas

Travelling isn't exactly the cheapest activity, but once you get bit by the travel bug, it's hard to look back. I don't want to know how much I've spent on travelling in the past seven years. I say seven because that's how long I've been taking holidays on my own, separate from my family. But […]

6 Things I Always Regret Packing

Raise your hand if you like packing... I'm going to assume that not many people raised their hands. Let's just be honest — packing sucks! If you're like me, I usually leave it until the night before the flight leaves. I'm usually spending longer than necessary trying to figure out what to bring, looking at […]

Top 10 Experiences To Have In 2020

There are countless experiences to have in this world, so where do you start?! We narrowed down to the top 10 experiences to have in 2020. Can we come with you?? 1. Sleep Under The Stars At Uluru Uluru is in the beautiful Red Centre of Australia — you know, where the dirt is red, […]

7 Reasons Why Solo Travellers Need to Backpack Around the Philippines

Southeast Asia has been the go-to backpacking destination for years now, but the Philippines still remains a favourite among travellers all over the world. This tropical archipelago has garnered this well-deserved reputation due to its beautiful natural surroundings, welcoming people, and great food. If you're still in doubt, here are seven reasons to book your […]

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