New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
North Island
South Island

This past weekend was a whirlwind of adventure as I headed off for a three-day trip to the stunning K'Gari (Fraser Island). Bright and early at 6:45 am on Friday, we gathered at the Roma Street Bus stop in Brisbane, where I met Trent and the rest of the group. Trent, our fantastic tour guide, set the tone for what promised to be an exciting journey ahead by chatting along with us and getting to know everyone. 

As we hit the road towards Noosa, we bonded over the two-hour drive, getting to know each other and I already had a good feeling for the days ahead. When we arrived in Noosa to pick up two more passengers, we didn't have much time to explore, but a quick glimpse of the beach showed me that it was a place that I wanted to visit for a longer time soon. Our journey continued to Rainbow Beach, with a minor setback due to recent landslides, preventing us from driving along the coast. But this was no worry since we would be driving on a beautiful sand island for three days anyway. 

When we boarded the ferry, the excitement was real. In just a brief 10-minute crossing, the island came into view, surprising me with its size and greenery. 

Arriving at our camping spot in Dilli Village, located within the protective confines of dingo fences, we unloaded our things and enjoyed a simple lunch. Thankfully, the tents were already set up, saving us a lot of time and effort. Dilli Village, managed by the University of the Sunshine Coast for research purposes, was truly lovely, warm showers and clean toilets, I could not have asked for a better place to stay. 

After lunch our adventure began! The thrill of speeding along the beach with the wind in our hair was unmatched. Our first stop at Central Station, with its history as a former hub for shipping goods to the mainland, offered a glimpse into the island's past. Trent, with his Aboriginal heritage, shared captivating insights into Aboriginal culture, adding depth to our experience, but to know more about these stories you must visit the island yourself cause I could not explain it as well as Trent can.


A visit to Lake Mackenzie completed the day with a refreshing swim in its natural rainwater-fed waters. 


As it became incredibly dark, like in the outback, we embarked on a ‘forbidden’ night walk, armed with dingo sticks and light torches, which was a scary but also amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience. Ending the evening under the starry sky, Trent showed me his wisdom about the constellations and its connection to the Aboriginal culture and beliefs, a lovely end to an extraordinary day.

Day two began with a pancake and cereal breakfast, fueling us for the adventures ahead. A scenic drive led us to Champagne Pools, a rare opportunity for a seaside dip within the island's shark-infested sea. We then trekked to Orchid Beach (a place that only the company Sunrover is allowed at as a tour company) for a short hike up the hill for a breathtaking view before indulging in lunch and exploring the Maheno Shipwrecks, a reminder of the island's rugged history. Where we got told that they are actually removing the shipwreck for safety purposes so if you still want to see it, go now! Our tour guide was not 100% sure on when they were going to remove the shipwreck but it most likely will be this or next year.

Eli Creek offered time for relaxation, where we could leisurely float downstream in rubber tubes and watch dingoes, before returning to camp for a lovely dinner and well-deserved rest.

Day two concluded on a high note, with a lot of laughs and memories shared. The day was so good and action-packed that everyone was in bed before 20:00 (10 pm). 


As the final day arrived, we savoured one last breakfast together, packing up camp with a slight reluctance because we all would have loved to stay for much longer.

Our final destination was Lake Wabby, which held a special place in Trent's heart. This was his favourite place on the whole island, and it was amazing. 

After a scenic hike, we reached the dunes, where we had a refreshing swim. 




A brief stop at the nearby "village" for souvenirs marked the end of our journey, saying goodbye to K’gari (Fraser Island) with a mixture of sadness and gratitude. I for sure will return to the island as soon as possible. 

If you are also interested in going to Fraser Island after hearing about my trip, have a look at the Fraser Island 3 Day Escape Camping 4WD Tour departing from Brisbane or any other Fraser Island tours on


Julia Bouman

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