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Tag: Melbourne

Which Australian City Should You Travel To?

Australia may look small on the map, but it's actually a very large and diverse country. With six states, two territories and five major cities (plus several smaller ones), deciding where to go and what to do while you're in Australia can be tricky. That's why we're here to break it down for you and […]

Visiting Melbourne? Here Are the 5 Restaurants You Must Try

Melbourne is brimming with amazing dining spots, from the cheap and cheerful to the prix fixe fine dining destinations and everything in between.  The dining scene in Melbourne is great for two main reasons:   1. The city is a cultural melting pot, meaning the restaurant options reflect these cultures and   2. We take our food […]

Where to find the best international food in Melbourne

Who says you have to travel overseas to find authentic pho or munch on pizza just like in Naples? Sure, there’s no beating the original, but Melbourne sure has some spots that get pretty close! Here are 5 places where you’ll find some seriously tasty food from all around the world. And the best thing […]

The cost of travel in the world's top 10 most liveable cities

The most liveable cities of 2018 have been announced! What better excuse than to go on a trip and see what all the hype is about? Of the 140 cities surveyed by The Economist Intelligence Unit, the top ten is full of some pretty great destinations… maybe you’ll head to number one city Vienna, or […]

What to expect: Autopia Tours Yarra Valley Wine Tour

Is there anything better than a wine tour? Especially when it's through Melbourne's stunning Yarra Valley region and complete with local produce tastings, a gourmet lunch and even a game of bocce! Last Friday the Backpacker Deals team were lucky enough to embark on Autopia's Yarra Valley Wine Tour. We tried strawberry liquors and preserves […]

5 reasons why Melbourne is the best starting point for Aussie travel

So you know you’re going to Australia but you didn’t quite realise how BIG the country is... this has thrown up a big question. WHERE DO I START?! Is it Perth on the West? Is it Brisbane halfway up the East Coast? I know the Bridge and Opera House so maybe it’s Sydney? Surprise! It's […]


 Yui Yamamoto によって翻訳された 1.他のビーチに感動できなくなる via GIPHY オーストラリアにはBondiやWhitehavenなど美しいビーチで溢れています。その中でも、ギネスに認定された“世界一白いHyams Beach”は他のビーチと比べものにならないぐらい美しい…!! 2. 巨大な岩マニアになる via GIPHY オーストラリアの見所はなんといっても巨大な一枚岩。“Uluru”で有名な“Red Centre”の真ん中に位置する赤い砂岩の一枚岩は、550万年以上オーストラリアの先住民族のアボリジニの聖地で知られています。 3. オーストラリア以外のコーヒーはもの足りなくなる via GIPHY Melbourneのコーヒー文化は “Next Level” です。街中には1,600カ所以上のカフェがあり、街角(文字通りブロックにあるカフェ)に行けば、ワールドチャンピオンバリスタがいれるコロンビアブレンドから焙煎された、無脂肪ソイモカを楽しむことができます。また、メルボルンのFab caféカルチャーであなたはインスタントコーヒーを飲むことを考え直すかも…。 4. “マーメイド”に転職!? via GIPHY 世界七不思議の一つであるGreat Barrier Reefはまさに夢のような水の世界。そこでスキューバダイビング、シュノーケリング、セイリングアクティビティーを体験すると、あなたはその美しい海の世界から離れたくなくなります!そして、あなたは残りの人生を海の中で過ごす事を考えるかも…。 5. カットされていないアボカドを見ることがない!? via GIPHY 驚くことに(驚かないかもしれませんが)、‘Smashed avo’はオーストラリアで馴染みのある食事です。柔らかいペースト状のアボカドがトーストにのっています。FitzroyにあるSir, Charlesのアジアンスタイルを取り入れたchilli scrambled eggsやメルボルンCBD内にあるManchester Pressのsmoked salmon & cream cheese bagelsなどのAussie Brekkie(オーストラリアの朝食)は美しく決してあなたの期待を裏切りません。あなたは空腹になることはないでしょう。 もしあなたがマーメイドや岩マニアになりたくなく、美味しいコーヒーを楽しみたくなかったら、オーストラリアに行ってはいけません。もう一度言います。決してオーストラリアに行ってはいけません!!

The vibes of travelling Melbourne by yourself

Travelling alone is nothing to be scared of. Some only consider the negatives that are associated with travelling alone such as being lonely, not having anyone to talk to or boredom but forget all of the positive aspects that go with travelling solo... like giving yourself a bit of ME TIME! Sometimes you need to […]

10 FREE ways to experience Melbourne

Marvellous Melbourne was voted the world's most liveable city not just once - but SIX times you guys! That's pretty good going. But for me what makes a place liveable is the stuff you can do without blowing your hard earned cash. Here are our top 10 FREE things to do while you're in Melbourne. […]

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