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Category: South America

For the 12 deals of Christmas my travel bud gave to me...

Your ULTIMATE Christmas gift guide for those who (literally) deserve the world.

What's an Eco-Village and Why Should You Visit One?

Travelling can take quite the toll on the environment. While this is an unavoidable fact, there are certain ways to counteract your impact, from packing reusable rather than disposable items to travelling by land rather than plane to making conscious decisions about where you stay. Today, we're going to talk about the latter. There are […]

The Cheapest Countries to Travel in the World

If you’re a backpacker, you know the importance of a good deal. The ultimate goal for most budget travellers is to have the longest holiday possible for the lowest price, which is much easier in certain parts of the world than others.  The other goal is typically to get the most value for your money […]

A Guide to Costa Rica on a Budget

The first time I ever went to Costa Rica was the first time I ever travelled alone. I was in uni on a very limited student budget, looking to see and do as much as possible for the lowest cost.  So I set myself a challenge: Spend no more than $1,000USD on the whole trip. […]

Top 7 Travel Destinations for Couples

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, the idea of a romantic getaway may be on your mind. But before booking a trip with your sweetie, it’s important to know which spots are best for couples traveling together. Whether you prefer the city, beach, mountains or country, there’s sure to be something on this list […]

16 of the cheapest countries to travel

Is your growing bucket list putting pressure on your pocket? Do you want to travel but are worried about the price of accommodation, attractions and food all adding up? One of the most daunting things about travel is the cost… but it doesn’t always have to be expensive! The world is full of bargain destinations […]

72 hours in Medellin and Guatapé, Colombia

You’re probably thinking Colombia’s just about the coffee and cartel history, but believe me there’s so much more. This year I got the incredible opportunity to take off on a tour and journey to Medellin and the colourful town of Guatapé. So relax, grab your favourite brew, log out of your Netflix account and find […]

A rainforest adventure in Costa Rica

Corcovado National Park, or Parque National Corcovado, is Costa Rica’s largest park and visitors can see an abundance of wildlife – this is what Wikipedia promises. The difficult access to its interior makes it the perfect getaway from the the busy tourist towns along the Pacific coast. Rain forests with massive trees, sandy beaches along […]

Cuba Cuba

Cuba. Land of rum, cigars, salsa, classic cars, the mojito, stunning sunsets and pirate treasure; colonial architecture, politics, music and the history. What’s not to like? While exploring the historic as well as modern Havana, you will get a sense of history but you will also experience a sense of the place when you hear […]

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