3 reasons to go Black Water Rafting in Waitomo

A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend and I decided to go Black Water Rafting with the Legendary Black Water Rafting Company. We opted to do the 3 hour Black Labyrinth tour. Here's how we got on.

Waitomo ('wai' meaning water and 'tomo' meaning sinkhole or cave) on New Zealand's North Island is world famous for its sparkly little residents and no we're not talking about the locals... but the Arachnocampa Luminosa, a tiny glowworm which is found only in New Zealand. It just so happens that thousands of them have decided to call the Waitomo Caves home. The twinkling luminescent light of these magical creatures is a must see on any New Zealand trip. But forget your usual glowworm walking tour and say 'Kia Ora!' to an adrenaline fuelled Black Water Rafting adventure.

620 x 430 black water rafting

What's Black Water Rafting? Like white water rafting but better! You'll ride subterranean rapids on an inflatable tube, jump off crashing waterfalls, explore an underground cave network and marvel at a glowworm-studded ceiling as you float along in total darkness. This is without a doubt the best way to see the glowworms in Waitomo. Why? We'll give you three good reasons why...

1. The Guides

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Not only were our Black Water Rafting guides Rob & Wayne super friendly from the moment we met them but they were also pretty hilarious which settled any last minute nerves. They were the perfect balance between professional and fun. We were sized up for our wetsuits and waterproof boots, so no need to bring your own, (oh and wear swimwear underneath!) and told on multiple occasions not to pee in them. Nice. We were then given helmets and told to use the explosive dynamite pack on the back in case we got suck (some of us were more gullible than others, aka me.)

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We grabbed a rubber tube and the guys took us to a nearby river to have a go at jumping off a jetty. It was higher than it looked but great for practicing before we entered the cave. On our way down to the cave, Rob & Wayne explained exactly what to expect once inside and how to perform an "eel", a chain-like connection so you wouldn't lose the others in the group. All we had to do was hold onto their feet!

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Rob took loads of photos  (by the way you are not going to look good doing this) and Wayne told us the Maori legend of the Ruakuri Cave, how a young Maori found the cave and was attacked by wild dogs just outside the cave entrance. Hence the name 'rua' meaning den and 'kuri' meaning dog. They helped us master the rapids and jump safely off waterfalls avoiding 'the human blender' along the way. We were also given a delicious chocolate treat, which was a welcomed treat after all that climbing. Our guides were really knowledgeable, supportive and took extra special care of the 78 year old in our group. If he can do it, you can!

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2. The Glowworms

The Waitomo Glowworms are part of 120 years of cultural history stemming back to 1887 when they were first discovered by local Maori Chief, Tane Tinorau. Almost 100 years later, the land and cave have been returned to the descendants of the original owners. Many staff employed at the caves today are direct descendants of Chief Tane Tinorau.

glowworms - black water rafting (4)

The Arachnocampa Luminosa are unique to New Zealand. Their Maori name is 'titiwai' meaning projected over water. The life cycle starts with an egg, which hatches into larva and then pupates into an adult fly. The larva spins a nest out of silk on the ceiling of the cave and then hang down as many as 70 threads of silk (called snares) from their nest. Larvae glow to attract prey into their threads, the prey believe they are outside because the cave covered with larvae can look like a starry sky at night and so become trapped. Still sounding cute?

Trust us, the twinkling luminescent light of each glowworm creates a magical atmosphere that will honestly take your breath away.

3. The GIGANTIC amount of fun you'll have

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OK we struggled with the third "G", but seriously as cheesy as it sounds it's a fantastic day out. Like we mentioned earlier we had a 78 year old in our group (along with a 12 year old), so it really is fun for all ages. Oh and it gets better! We need to talk about the GRUB. After being down in a cave for over an hour hot showers, tasty tomato soup and delicious buttery bagels are an absolute delight. You can stuff your face while watching a slideshow of hilarious photos from your Black Water Rafting adventure. An excellent way to round off an action-packed day.

Up for the adventure? Then check out our Black Labyrinth, Black Water Rafting deal here. Looking for more things to do on New Zealand's North Island? Give our Tamaki Maori Village blog a read.

7 reasons why you need to travel in your 20s!

Are you a 20 something year old with no clue as to what you're doing with your life? Are all of your friends having babies and getting big ol' mortgages? Does the thought of starting your dead-end career for the next 20 years make you feel physically sick? Well you've come to the right place. Here are 7 reasons why you need to travel in your 20s. No that you need one.

1. There's nothing tying you down

travel in your 20s
Don't let anyone take your...

Most likely you won't have had a family yet or settled into your long term career. You're currently free to do whatever you want and have the capabilities to do so. You don't have to be somewhere for someone else, so make this time of your life all about YOU. During your 20s, you have minimal responsibilities or commitments, and are old enough to appreciate the world, so go for it!

2. You'll learn things about yourself

travel in your 20s
Think like the Rock. Be like the Rock.

Still unsure about what your doing with your life? Clueless about what career path to take? Going travelling pushes you out of your comfort zone, you'll learn what sets your heart racing or intimidates you. You'll achieve things you never knew you could and conquer fears you didn't know you had. You'll learn what you like, gain new interests and realise what you value, and what you don’t. All of which will help you decide what you want out of life.

3. You don't have a MASSIVE mortgage

travel in your 20s
Making it raaaaiiiiiiin.

Often in your 20s you're not financially constrained by a huge mortgage or child expenses. You've got your own income (albeit not a huge one) and you don't need to spend loads while you travel. At this age, you'll have a better idea of budgeting and won't blow everything on booze like your 18 year old self. Plus, you won't mind skimping on some things in order to splurge on others... instant noodles for a week are worth it for a skydive!

4. Better balance between partying and culture

travel in your 20s
You party like snoop now.

Now that you're no longer 18, you're more likely to explore the destination you've travelled all that way to. Boozy nights won't be every night of the week, you'll actually want to get out of bed, see daylight and tick some cool sights off your list. Don't get us wrong, you still know how to party, you've just accepted the fact that hangovers get worse with age. Besides, no one fancies spending 24 hours on a bus vomming into a plastic bag. Been there, done that.

5. There's no time like the present

travel in your 20s
See ya.

'I'll go when I've retired', 'I'll take a career break', 'I can travel with kids'. When it comes to travelling, the phrase "there's no time like the present" couldn't be more fitting. You don't know what's going to happen in the future, you can't be certain you will ever have this opportunity again. Take advantage of the time you have now.

6. Money doesn't buy happiness

travel in your 20s
Yuck poor people.

Travelling in your 20s teaches you that material possessions are not a measurement of success. Just because someone has their own flat, a new car and big salary doesn't mean they're happy. You'll realise that money and material objects aren't as important as you once thought they were. Making memories, seeing the world and meeting new people are things that will stay with you for a lifetime. Ignore societies pressures of settling down, getting a job and buying a house. Do what makes YOU happy.

7. Your friends can come too!

travelin your 20s
I'll be there for you.

Travelling alone is great but sharing experiences with friends is just as good if not, better! Your 20 something friends are likely to be in the same position as you and will be up for an adventure. You'll discover who your best friends are, become even closer and can spend years annoying everyone else with "remember that time in Thailand we...".

Packed already? Good. For more travel inspiration check out our blog '11 signs you need to go travelling'.

3 Fun & Cheap Things To Do in Taupo

Exploring New Zealand on a backpacker budget? Can't afford a skydive? Check out these cheap things to do in Taupo that won't break the bank!

1. Huka Falls

Huka Falls - cheap things to do in Taupo
Image credit: www.greatlaketaupo.com

Huka Falls are HUGE! How huge? 220,000 litres of flowing water per second kind of huge (that's enough to fill one Olympic sized swimming pool every 11 seconds). These crashing waterfalls, are a 5 minute drive north of Taupo and are the most visited and photographed natural attraction in New Zealand, so it would be rude not to go, right?

You can cross the bridge and walk alongside the river, stopping at different view points to take in the mighty falls from all angles. You can pack a picnic and enjoy spending time riverside or choose to venture further out and follow a two hour walking trail in the native bush.

Huka Falls - cheap things to do in taupo
Image credit: www.greatlaketaupo.com

If the weather's good take a jet boat to the base of the falls, admire up close the true power of the water and if you're lucky, you may even taste the spray!

There are plenty of activities to do around the falls, including walking to Spa Park, going mountain biking or taking a boat trip. And what makes it even better is it's free, yes FREE!

2. Otumuheke Stream, Spa Park

otumuheke stream - cheap things to do in Taupo

If you take one of the Huka Falls walking tracks you will eventually reach the Otumuheke Stream. The natural geothermal hot springs of Otumuheke Stream are situated in Spa Park about a 25 minute walk from Taupo town centre. You'll find the two main pools under a bridge in the park and another pool about 30 seconds up a side track.

If you're feeling brave, brace the chilly waters of the river and swim up to the pools or go for the easy option and slowly lower yourself into the warmth. Enjoy a gentle massage under the waterfall or a relaxing soak in the pools. The level and temperature of the springs varies depending on how much it has rained that day.

otumuheke stream - cheap things to do Lake Taupo
Image credit: www.greatlaketaupo.com

The hot pools are super popular with locals and tourists and there are no changing rooms nearby so bring a towel with you! If you want something a little more private, check out Taupo DeBretts Hot Springs & Pools. But overall, Otumuheke Stream is perfect if you want to experience some geothermal pools for free and an excellent way to kill time if your skydive has been delayed!

3. Sail Barbary to Maori Rock Carvings

maori rock carvings - cheap things to do in Taupo

My personal favourite has to be the Sail Barbary Cruise to the Maori Rock Carvings especially on a gloriously warm summer's afternoon.

The Sail Barbary cruises are located at Taupo Boat Harbour on Redoubt Street. You'll set sail across the largest lake in the Southern Hemisphere aboard a classic white sailing yacht. After a warm welcome and quick safety briefing from your skipper, the afternoon is yours to relax and take in the waterside views. Throughout your sailing trip your skipper will explain to you the cultural significance behind the carvings, give interesting facts about Great Lake Taupo and offer some incredible picture post card moments.

maori rock carvings - cheap things to do in Taupo

All the while, you can be sipping on a cold one as you can BYOB (Bring Your Own Beer)! Does it get much better? Oh yeah, you can bring food too. But the highlight of the trip has to be the 14 metre high rock carvings that are said to be the largest of this type in the world. Carved out by sculptures in the '70s, you will be amazed at the sheer level of detail etched into the rock face and they are only accessible by boat, making the experience even more special!

maori rock carvings - cheap things to do in Taupo

After you've got your Insta-worthy snap of the rock art, feel free to take a dip in the crystal clear waters of Lake Taupo. Nothing beats jumping off the side of a boat! The Sail Barbary guys are all about getting hands on, so if you don't fancy a swim, maybe have a go at hoisting the sails or steering the wheel. On the way back you'll be offered warm blankets and fleeces to keep you cosy in case the breeze picks up.

Sail Barbary Cruise to the Maori Rock Carvings is a lovely way to spend an afternoon in Taupo. There's something a bit special about getting out on the water and seeing Taupo from a different perspective. Oh and did we mention it's only $49, that's it! Don't believe us? Take a look here.

Well there you have it! 3 fun and cheap things to do in Taupo. If you're after more of an adrenaline fix, then check out our blog "Skydive Taupoo: The Ultimate High"

Tamaki Maori Village: What? Why? How much?

Looking for an authentic cultural experience in New Zealand? Look no further than Tamaki Maori Village.

What is Tamaki Maori Village?

tamaki maori village
Tamaki History

Ready for a little history lesson? Don't worry it's not a boring one! Back in the 'mullet era' also known as the 1980's, a young kiwi guy called Mike Tamaki, wanted to share Maori culture with the world in a new exciting way and say goodbye to stuffy old museums. With the help of his brother Doug Tamaki, who sold his pride and joy (his Harley Davidson) they were able to build from scratch an authentic, pre-European Maori village set in an ancient forest, upon the tribal lands of Tumunui, just outside Rotorua. And from there, Tamaki Maori Village was born.

Tamaki Today

To this day, Tamaki Maori Village impresses thousands of tourists visiting New Zealand. They employ more than 80 local people and contribute significantly to the local community and economy. They are the only indigenous tourism company in New Zealand to win the most prestigious award in tourism, The Supreme Tourism award. They have also won the Ernst and Young – Entrepreneur of the Year Award as well as many other regional culture and heritage awards, including the Golden Backpack Award for the 'Best Cultural Experience' throughout Australasia 2010-2013.

Basically, Tamaki Maori Village is New Zealand’s most awarded Cultural Tourism experience

Still not convinced...

Why should I go to Tamaki Maori Village?

tamaki maori village

Because it's so much fun!

No, seriously it is. The evening's entertainment begins as you excitedly wait for the Maori chief and warriors to appear from the forest. The distant sound of drumming begins and you hear war cries as the tribe emerge on a traditional canoe. A selected chief from your own group steps forward and performs the Powhiri, an ancient ceremony of welcome that allows visitor’s safe passage into the village.

tamaki maori village

Once you enter the serene forest setting, you'll be invited to take part in activities from days gone by, including stick games, poi demonstrations and the Haka. You'll also learn about the ancient traditions of tattooing, weaving, arts & crafts and listen to Maori stories & legends.

Best Hangi in Rotorua

After the evening's games, you will be taken through to the Hangi pit. Here you'll learn about how your dinner has been cooked on hot stones, in a traditional underground oven. The earth is carefully scraped away to reveal baskets of food cooked beneath the ground in exactly the same way the Maori did hundreds of years ago!

tamaki maori village

A night of entertainment

While your dinner is being prepared you'll enjoy a cultural performance from the tribe. Including Poi displays, live music, singing and dancing and of course a Haka! Once the performance is over you'll head over to the dining hall for a feast fit for a king or Maori warrior. Dinner is in a buffet style and there is plenty to choose from including lamb, chicken, fresh seafood, sweet potato, kumara and heaps of salad. For dessert, take your pick from sponge cake and custard or a classic Kiwi pavlova. You can also help yourself to tea & coffee throughout the night including traditional kawakawa tea. The evening ends with one final song and Maori message.

tamaki maori village
Image: @tamakimaorivillage

"On the whole it's a brilliant, well executed evening that brings you much closer to Maori customs and traditions than you ever would at a museum. It's light, fun and extremely entertaining. You go home knowing more about Maori culture and can appreciate the importance of keeping it alive."- Catherine Atton, Backpacker Deals Social Media & Content Manager

How much is Tamaki Maori Village?

How much?

Lucky for you, we have an exclusive rate for Tamaki Maori Village of $117 saving you 10%. Check out our deal here.


You can visit every day (except Christmas Day), in the evening at 5:00pm, 6:15pm and 7:30pm.


1072 State Highway 5, Tumunui 3073, New Zealand

Want more ideas on what to do in Rotorua? Check out our blog on "5 Free things to do in Rotorua".

5 redenen om Nieuw-Zeeland niet te bezoeken

Translated by Simone Benneker.

1. Je loopt het risico om in een Hobbit te veranderen

Je hebt de kans om de Hobbiton film set te bezoeken van de beroemde Lord of the Rings trilogie en Hobbit films. En OMG, het is het schattigste wat je ooit zal zien! Het is zelfs zo schattig, dat je zal willen verhuizen en nooit meer weg zal willen van de Hobbit Holes. NOOIT!

 2. Geen andere hamburger zal ooit evenaren

yummy ferburgers - NUOVA ZELANDA
Queenstown op het Zuid Eiland van Nieuw-Zeeland is dé plek waar je de meest indrukwekkende hamburger ter wereld kan eten, tromgeroffel…. de Fergburger! Deze burger is de koning der burgers, met een burger zo groot als je hoofd en zo vochtig als je wilt. Kies een van de burgers van de overheerlijke menu selectie, zoals de Chief Wiggum; je zal er geen spijt van krijgen.

3. Je zult de meeste dagen huilen om de pure schoonheid van je omgeving

crying with joy - NUOVA ZELANDA
Je zal worden weggeblazen door het zien van het landschap van Nieuw-Zeeland: met de vele duizend-jaar-oude gletsjers zoals Franz Josef, prachtige nationale parken zoals Abel Tasman en de glinsterende smaragdmeren van Tongariro. Je zult spontaan in tranen uitbarsten en niet in staat zijn om te kunnen stoppen van het uitzicht te genieten. Dit is een FEIT!

4. Je zult niet kunnen stoppen met uit vliegtuigen springen

Nieuw-Zeeland is een avonturier’s grootste droom, het staat niet voor niks ook bekend als ‘’avontuur hoofdstad van de wereld’’. Met een overvloed aan adrenaline activiteiten zoals white water rafting, jet boating, sky diving en bungy jumping, dit land heeft het allemaal! Echter, je zou zelfs het domme idee hebben om tijdens je terugvlucht naar Amsterdam, uit je Emirates A380 vliegtuig te willen springen. Probeer dit niet!!

5. Je zal een ongezonde relatie met je auto vormen

roadtrips in NUOVA ZELANDA

Wijd open snelwegen, een gebrek aan andere auto’s, epische achtergronden en het feit dat je aan de linkerkant van de weg moet rijden…. Nieuw-Zeeland was geboren om bereden te worden. Bekijk hier de 5 beste ritten in Nieuw Zeeland. Het is zeer waarschijnlijk dat je geobsedeerd raakt door je auto overal rond te rijden en dat je er uiteindelijk ermee gaat trouwen.

Als je het geen probleem vind om een hobbit te worden, te trouwen met je auto en constant te moeten huilen waar je ook heen gaat, ga dan zeker naar Nieuw-Zeeland. Maar wij willen liever saai zijn en nooit onze slaapkamer verlaten. Als je nu toch bezig bent op onze site, bekijk dan ook onze blog "5 redenen waarom je Australië niet moet bezoeken". Wie is er nou gek genoeg om daar naartoe te gaan?!

3 Reasons to visit Milford Sound with Jucy Cruise

Considered the 'Eighth Wonder of the World', Milford Sound is an awe-inspiring fiord with 5,000ft towering peaks such as Mitre Peak and mighty waterfalls that you really have to see to believe. Home to dolphins, fur seals, and an array of bird life, even the occasional Humpback whale, Milford Sound is an unmissable experience on any trip to New Zealand's South Island.

But what is the best way to see it? I hear you ask. Helicopter flight? Coach tour? Boat trip? For us, it has to be a Jucy Cruise. Yes, I have just experienced Milford Sound on a Jucy Cruise so may be a little biased, however hear me out...

1. Jucy Cruise have smaller boats

Jucy Cruise Milford Sound

'Good things come in small packages' or so they say? When it comes to your Milford Sound cruise, the smaller the better! The Jucy Cruise boat is a small, streamlined catamaran known as the 'Maiden of Milford', it's cute, comfortable and completely modern.

It's smaller size is an advantage over other monstrous vessels exploring the area, you don't get the crowds and your Jucy boat is able to explore every nook and cranny of the fiord. Yes that means going right under waterfalls and getting soaked - pack your raincoats! You also pretty much come face to face with sunbathing seals - so have your cameras at the ready.

A smaller size also means a more personalised experience, the guide and staff get to know who's on board, chat to to everyone and answer any additional questions that you might have. The Jucy Cruise staff are super friendly and happy to help. What's more, fewer people = better photo opportunities, you won't have to fight off hoards of selfie sticks battling for the best shot, you'll have heaps of space for the perfect Instagram snap.

When it comes to Milford Sound, size does matter.

2. They are backpacker friendly

Milford Sound
With its fun, laid-back approach, Jucy Cruise is not your usual, stuffy boat cruise. Sadly, Milford Sound has fallen victim to monster coaches hoarding and squeezing hundreds of tourists on to giant cruise boats. You're better off going with someone like Jucy. The Jucy Cruise attracts a backpacker crowd, with a variety of different people coming on board. You'll notice lots of travellers from across the globe chatting and getting to know one another.

But what makes it even more backpacker friendly is the fact it's got a bar, yes a 'Jucy Bar', serving a range of thirst-quenching alcoholic drinks that will have you and your new mates yarning together for the full two hours... where there's a bar, there are backpackers.

3. They'll feed you a lip-smackingly good lunch!

Milford Sound waterfalls
On board the Jucy boat is the delicious Pita Pit, a tasty spot to grab lunch while you admire Milford Sound's beauty. You can pre-order your pita and tell them exactly what you'd like in it, so that when you arrive it's ready to go! The pitas are stuffed to the brim with mouth-watering fillings including chicken & falafel, chicken and bacon, chicken caesar plus a ridiculous amount of different salads. Everything is cooked fresh and right in front of your eyes. Oh and it gets better, throughout the trip complimentary teas & coffees are served, so you stay refreshed while watching the picturesque views pass by.

Can you think of a better spot for lunch? No, nor us.

Well with small boats that reach every corner of the fiord, fewer crowds, personable staff, laid-back vibes and a giant pita for lunch... Jucy Cruise has got to be the best and only way to see Milford Sound! Want to know more about Milford Sound? Check our our blog post "What makes Milford Sound so special?"

5 travel resolutions to make in 2018

Five travel resolutions that you NEED to make this year.

1. A 'staycation' doesn't count

resolution one: no staycations
Watching Planet Earth 2 does not mean you've been to the Galapagos.

Sorry but it doesn't. Get out of your comfort zone and leave the familiar behind. Travel somewhere new and completely far a field, otherwise it will be too late and you've spent another year in the same place. Besides, anyone that uses words like 'staycation', 'Brangelina' and 'crunk' needs to get out more.

2. Limit your number of holiday selfies

second resolution: limit your selfies
No words.

Focus on exploring rather than getting your hot new profile picture and over 157 likes. Try and see somewhere with your own eyes rather than your phone's front camera. Reach out your arm to shake people's hands instead of reaching up for the optimum selfie angle. Nobody likes a narcissist.

3. Try and learn the language

resolution 3: learn lingo
Be like joey.

See if you can expand on 'parlez vous anglais?'. Learning the local lingo is extremely useful when travelling, it opens doors, breaks down barriers, locals appreciate the effort and you never know who you might meet! There are heaps of apps these days like Duolingo that will have you 'bavardage' in no time.

4. Travel solo at least once


We're not saying travel the entire continent of Africa alone, but even if you take just one little trip in 2018 by yourself you'll see how beneficial it can be. Travelling solo gives you a chance to unwind and relax, without anyone else around. It also teaches you a lot about yourself. There are so many ways to ease yourself into a solo trip, you can join an organised tour or book a flexible bus pass. Trust us, you'll meet way more people on your own than with a group of friends!

5. Travel MORE!

resolution 5: TRAVEL MORE
There's a whole world waiting for you.

Make 2018 the year of no excuses. Find the time, save the money, leave the relationship. Do what is right for you, get out there and experience the world, while you have the chance. Because before you know it, you'll blink and it will be 2078.

What are your New Year travel resolutions? Where are you going in 2018? For more inspiration check out our Top 10 travel bloggers to follow in 2018.

Top 10 Travel Bloggers to Follow in 2018

Need a little travel inspiration? Too many travel blogs to choose from? That's where we come in! We've found the top 10 travel bloggers to follow in 2018. Give them a read and get ready for wanderlust overload.

1. Backpacker Banter

backpacker banter blog

Originating from Devon in the UK, Chris is a surfer, photographer, ocean lover and all round dude. Check out his award winning blog for travel tips, backpacking advice and wicked videos that will make you want to quit your 9 to 5 NOW.

2. The Blog Abroad

the blog abroad - travel blogger
The Blog Abroad aka Gloria, is an African-American full of sass and hilarious life advice. She'll speak to you on the realest of terms, inspire you to quit your job and live for today. She's also written for the likes of Huffington Post, Thought Catalog, and Matador Networks. This girl means business.

3. Drew Binsky

drew binsky - travel blogger

Snapchat sensation Drew Binsky, created his own travel show on Snapchat. 500k followers later Drew's making a living as a full-time travel blogger, video-maker and content creator. Follow him on Snapchat for travel tips, useful reviews and all round entertainment. He also holds two World Records. Legend.

4. Dan Flying Solo

dan flying solo - travel blogger

Another brilliant British blogger, is Dan Flying Solo. He's all about travelling independently and meeting as many people as possible. To him, befriending locals and getting an inside look into a destination is what makes the whole journey so incredible. He's worked with the likes of Lonely Planet, National Geographic and BBC Travel.

5. Nomadic Matt

nomadic matt - travel blogger

A legend among travel bloggers. Nomadic Matt is the New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a day. He helps millions of travellers a year, to travel for cheaper, better and longer. But what makes him any different? Well, you won't find any sponsored content or paid trips on his website. Everything is tried and tested by himself or one of his guest columnists.

6. Polkadot Passport

polka dot passport travel blogger

Aussie born Nicola Easterby aka Polkadot Passport gives us a diary style account of her travels. She offers helpful travel tips and heaps of practical advice. Her blog is both informative and visually beautiful. Don't forget to check out her gorgeous Instagram account here.

7. Beanies & Bikinis

beanies and bikinis - travel blogger

Nikki from Canada lives by her own philosophy of "van life", doing what she loves and not following the grain. She's all about adventure travel on a budget. Follow her blog for entertaining writing that takes you off the beaten track.

8. Young Adventuress

young adventureress - travel blogger

28 year old Liz Carlson aka the Young Adventuress is witty, sarcastic and feels like a mate giving you some handy travel advice. Based in the beautiful land of the long white cloud, New Zealand. Liz gives an honest take on travel particularly adventure-oriented travel. You'll discover walks, natural sights and native wildlife around the world. If Liz can do it, you can.

9. Kiwis Off Course

kiwis off course - travel bloggers

A gorgeous Kiwi couple that don't mind a bit of 'flash-packing' now and then. They'll take you on their adventures across the globe offering first-hand recommendations and stunning photos. Just LOOK at that picture.

10. The Blonde Abroad

the blonde abroad - travel blogger

One of the 'greats' in the travel blogging world, The Blonde Abroad aka Kiersten from California. Kiersten quit her career in corporate finance to travel the world and has never looked back! She has visited 54 countries, been sponsored by top brands worldwide and is part of the GoPro family. She has a girl power take on travel offering useful tips for female travellers from what to pack to where to get your nails done.

So there you have it! Our favourite travel bloggers to follow in 2018. Take your pick, get reading and go travelling. For more travel inspiration check out our Top 10 Travel Instagrammers to follow.

11 photos that prove Fiji is the most beautiful place on Earth

Looking for summer inspiration? Well feast your eyes on the crystal waters, pristine beaches and palm-lined shores of Fiji. You'll be packing your bags quicker than you can finish reading this blog!

1. Gorgeous locals

Start each day with a grateful heart! Sending love to all of our extended family on a day that encourages us to be present and thankful for all things. Loloma Levu ♥️ From The Tavarua Family . . . @cparkphoto #gratitude #blessed #fijian #family #loloma #kulubar #scenic #paradise #peaceofmind #fijiislands #tavarua #island #tropical #tranquility #travel #destination #surfersparadise #smallislandbigheart

A post shared by Tavarua Island Resort (@tavaruaislandresort) on

2. Island hideaways

Packing up to head back to this gem to shoot for a week. Best place on earth. See you soon @tavaruaislandresort #fiji @sonyprousa @sonyalpha @aquatech_imagingsolutions #aquatech #tavarua #travel #travelphotographer

A post shared by CHRIS PARK (@cparkphoto) on

3. Waves for days

We invite all surfing enthusiasts to the world-famous #CloudBreak surf break at the majestic Fiji islands of the Mamanucas   @tavaruaislandresort

A post shared by Tourism Fiji (@tourismfiji) on

4. Endless sunsets

A post shared by Tourism Fiji (@tourismfiji) on

5. Just LOOK at that pool

Fiji's alright. #

A post shared by Tom Powell (@tomrobpowell) on

6. Underwater magic

Some friendly visitors joined the boat ride to @tavaruaislandresort... Great capture by @nickliotta #Fiji #FijiNow

A post shared by Tourism Fiji (@tourismfiji) on

7. Every hour is happy hour

#paradise #fijiinstameet #cocktails #fiji

A post shared by @charterboatsfiji on

8. MORE gorgeous locals

We're sure you may recognise some of these friendly and smiling faces from your visits to Fiji? Vinaka vaka levu to our one-in-a-million teams! Tell us - Who made your stay in Fiji extra special?. . . @Savasiisland, @dolphinislandfiji, @beqalagoon and @castawayislandfiji

A post shared by Tourism Fiji (@tourismfiji) on

9. Islands shaped like hearts

More amazing views from above this special ❤️shaped island. . . . @nickliotta #tavarua #fiji #smallislandbigheart #bula #paradise #fijiislands #travel #vacation #islandstyle #fijinow #surfersparadise #heartshapedisland #honeymoon #tropical #TLpicks #instagood #instatravel #vacationgoals #dronestagram

A post shared by Tavarua Island Resort (@tavaruaislandresort) on

10. Jungle escapes

Teetering at the top of Tavoro Waterfall. What a view!

A post shared by Tourism Fiji (@tourismfiji) on

11. Food that looks too good to eat

#Superfood Coconut featuring raw organic ingredients from Gaiatree! #acai #coconut #cocoa #noni #pineapple #papaya #microgreens #eatflowers #fijinow #fijime #islandparadise #fijistyle #foodparadise #gaiatree #fte2017

A post shared by Gaiatree Sanctuary (@gaiatreefiji) on

Well what are you still doing here? Go to Fiji already! For more summer inspiration check out our blog on 5 amazing Australian beaches.


Yui Yamamoto によって翻訳された 

1. ホビットに変身するリスクがある



2. 他のバーガーじゃもの足りなくなる

yummy ferburgers - NUOVA ZELANDA

ニュージーランド南島に位置するQueens Townは世界でも特に人気なハンバーガー店、the Fergburger (ファーグバーガー)があります。あなたの顔と同じぐらいの大きさで肉汁が溢れ出るバーガーは、まさにバーガー界のDaddy!!よだれが出るようなメニューからChief Wiggumバーガーをぜひ選んでみてください。絶対後悔はさせません!

3. 透き通るような美しい風景を見て涙が止まらなくなる

crying with joy - NUOVA ZELANDA

Franz Josefのような何千年もの時間をかけて作られた氷河、Abel Tasmanのような美しい国立公園、そしてTongariroの光り輝くエメラルドグリーンの湖を見ると、あなたはニュージーランドのその素晴らしい風景に圧倒され、自然と溢れ出た涙が止まらなくなるでしょう。

4. 飛行機から飛び出さずにはいられなくなる


“adventure capital of the world”で知られているニュージーランドはスリルを求める人々にとって夢のよう場所です。ホワイトウォーターラフティングジェットボードスカイダイビングそしてバンジージャンプのようなアドレナリンが出るアクティビティはニュージーランドで重要なビジネスにもなっています。しかし、あなたはその爽快な経験を忘れることができず、イギリスに向かうエアバス380から飛び出すかもしれません…。決してそのような真似はしないでください!

5. あなたは車と深い関係を持つことになる


