
 Yui Yamamoto によって翻訳された



オーストラリアにはBondiWhitehavenなど美しいビーチで溢れています。その中でも、ギネスに認定された“世界一白いHyams Beach”は他のビーチと比べものにならないぐらい美しい…!!

2. 巨大な岩マニアになる


オーストラリアの見所はなんといっても巨大な一枚岩。“Uluru”で有名な“Red Centre”の真ん中に位置する赤い砂岩の一枚岩は、550万年以上オーストラリアの先住民族のアボリジニの聖地で知られています。

3. オーストラリア以外のコーヒーはもの足りなくなる


Melbourneのコーヒー文化は “Next Level” です。街中には1,600カ所以上のカフェがあり、街角(文字通りブロックにあるカフェ)に行けば、ワールドチャンピオンバリスタがいれるコロンビアブレンドから焙煎された、無脂肪ソイモカを楽しむことができます。また、メルボルンのFab caféカルチャーであなたはインスタントコーヒーを飲むことを考え直すかも…。

4. “マーメイド”に転職!?


世界七不思議の一つであるGreat Barrier Reefはまさに夢のような水の世界。そこでスキューバダイビング、シュノーケリング、セイリングアクティビティーを体験すると、あなたはその美しい海の世界から離れたくなくなります!そして、あなたは残りの人生を海の中で過ごす事を考えるかも…。

5. カットされていないアボカドを見ることがない!?


驚くことに(驚かないかもしれませんが)、‘Smashed avo’はオーストラリアで馴染みのある食事です。柔らかいペースト状のアボカドがトーストにのっています。FitzroyにあるSir, Charlesのアジアンスタイルを取り入れたchilli scrambled eggsやメルボルンCBD内にあるManchester Pressのsmoked salmon & cream cheese bagelsなどのAussie Brekkie(オーストラリアの朝食)は美しく決してあなたの期待を裏切りません。あなたは空腹になることはないでしょう。


5 motivii per NON visitare la Nuova Zelanda

Tradotto da: Elisa Paganoni

1. Correrete il rischio di diventare un Hobbit.


Potete visitare il set della famosissima saga del Signore degli Anelli e della trilogia del film Lo Hobbit per davvero. E, credetemi, non c’è nulla di più bello! Così bello che vorrete trasferirvici direttamente e vivere in una delle piccole abitazioni degli hobbit per sempre. E quando dico per sempre, intendo per sempre.

2. Nessun altro hamburger potrà mai tenere il confronto.

yummy ferburgers - NUOVA ZELANDA

Queenstown nell’Isola del Sud della Nuova Zelanda è patria del più grandioso hamburger del mondo ovvero… rullo di tamburi per favore… il Fergburger! Grande come la vostra faccia e condito proprio come vi piace, questo hamburger è il padre di tutti gli hamburger. Scegliete tra un appetitoso menu e provate lo Chief Wiggum. Non ve ne pentirete!

3. Passerete la maggioranza dei vostri giorni commuovendovi davanti alla vera e propria bellezza che vi circonda.

crying with joy - NUOVA ZELANDA

Con ghiacciai vecchi migliaia di anni come il Franz Josef, i meravigliosi parchi nazionali come Abel Tasman e i laghi brillanti verdi smeraldo del Tongario, rimarrete sbalorditi dal panorama della Nuova Zelanda. E, nonostante vi commuoverete spontaneamente più e più volte, non sarete letteralmente in grado di smettere di ammirarlo. Provare per credere.

4. Non riuscirete a smettere di saltare dagli aerei.


Conosciuta come la “capitale mondiale dell’avventura”, la Nuova Zelanda è il sogno di coloro che cercano e desiderano il brivido. Con un’ampia gamma di attività adrenaliniche che includono rafting, jet boating, paracadutismo e bungy jumping, tanto per nominarne alcune, questa nazione non scherza! Ma potreste farvi l’idea sbagliata e provare un salto direttamente dal vostro volo Emirates A380 che vi sta riportando a casa. Da non provare.

5. Creerete una relazione malsana con la vostra macchina.


Con le autostrade completamente aperte, che raramente ospitano più macchine, panorami mozzafiato e aggiungeteci pure che guidano dalla parte sinistra della strada… La Nuova Zelanda è fatta per essere percorsa in macchina. Scoprite le cinque migliori rotte da fare in macchina in Nuova Zelanda qui. Ma ricordatevi che la probabilità che diventerete ossessionati dal guidare la vostra macchina ovunque è talmente alta che alla fine vorrete sposarvela.

Se non avete problemi a trasformarvi in un hobbit, a sposare la vostra macchina e a commuovervi costantemente ovunque andiate, allora senza ombra di dubbio dovete andare in Nuova Zelanda. Ma noi invece preferiamo essere pigri e non lasciare la nostra camera da letto. Nel frattempo che anche voi siete nella vostra, leggete il nostro blog 5 motivi per non visitare l’Australia. Sareste pazzi abbastanza da andarci?!

5 motivi per NON visitare l’Australia

Tradotto da: Elisa Paganoni

1. Le spiagge non vi impressioneranno più


L’Australia è stracolma di meravigliose spiagge, tra le quali Bondi, Whitehaven, e … rullo di tamburi per favore… la detentrice del record mondiale come “sabbia più bianca” Hyms Beach. Nessun’altra spiaggia potrà MAI tenere il confronto.

2. Diventerete fan delle grandi rocce


Una cosa che l'Australia fa bene sono le grandi rocce. In particolare, un enorme monolite di arenaria nel cuore del "Red Centre" noto come Uluru. Oltre 550 milioni di anni e sacro per la cultura aborigena australiana, questa roccia non scherza.

3. Ogni caffè che berrete d’ora in poi vi sembrerà fango in confronto


La cultura del caffè a Melbourne è di UN ALTRO LIVELLO. Con oltre 1600 caffè nella sola città di Melbourne e baristi campioni del mondo ad ogni angolo (letteralmente) i vostri scremato, soia, espresso, e chi più ne ha più ne metta, non scarseggiano. Melbourne ha una cultura del caffè da favola, tanto che ci penserete due volte prima di prepararvi un’altra tazza di caffè istantaneo.

4. Farete della “professione sirena” il vostro prossimo lavoro


Casa di una delle Sette Meraviglie Naturali del Mondo, la Grande Barriera Corallina è un vero e proprio sogno acquatico. Con attività per tutti i gusti come immersioni subacquee, snorkeling e gite in barca a vela, non vorrete mai lasciare quelle acque cristalline! E, inevitabilmente, vi ritroverete a pensare di voler passare il resto della vostra vita sotto il mare.

5. Non sarete in grado di guardare un avocado senza volerlo fare a pezzetti.


Lo “smashed avo” è sorprendentemente (o magari non così tanto) una squisitezza australiana. Ma non lasciatevi ingannare, l'Aussie Brekkie, ovvero la colazione australiana, è una cosa bella per davvero, dai piatti con influenze di stile asiatico come le uova strapazzate al peperoncino, da Sir Charles a Fitzroy ai bagels al salmone affumicato e formaggio spalmabile al Manchester Press nel CBD di Melbourne. Non rimarrete affamati di certo.

Se non volete diventare delle sirene professioniste, non prepararvi più tazze di caffè istantaneo o diventare fan delle grandi rocce, allora non andate in Australia, ripetiamo insieme: NON ANDATE IN AUSTRALIA. Altrimenti, per quale diavolo di motivo non dovreste?


Having just spent the weekend in Queenstown and with quite frankly too many activities to choose from, I've decided to narrow down the list. So here are my top 3 adrenaline activities, ranging from the slightly hair-raising to mildly terrifying... and no, eating a Ferburger in under 30 seconds is not one of them!


Shotover River Extreme Jet Boat Ride

Shotover River Queenstown
For an adrenaline thrill that isn't too much to handle. The Shotover River Extreme Jet Boat Ride gives you 25 minutes of high speed excitement on Queenstown's Shotover River. Your Jet Boat driver will dart through the narrow Shotover Canyon and take you scarily close to the cliff walls. You can reach speeds of up to 85kph on water as shallow as 10cm... but the highlight has to be the 360° spins! This is the perfect for the slightly more cautious adrenaline junkie.

Shotover River, Gorge Rd, Queenstown

How much?


The Nevis Swing

Queenstown Nevis Bungy
Because it's the world's fastest and biggest swing. Still not convinced? On this adrenaline activity that even the bravest daredevils shy away from, you'll cross a 70 metre high suspension bridge, 160m above the floor of the valley, choose whether you want to swing backwards or forwards, find yourself hanging at a terrifying height before swinging in a 300 metre arc... sound like your kind of thing? Course it does.

Queenstown Bungy Centre, Corner of Shotover and Camp Streets, Queenstown

How much?


White Water Rafting

White Water Rafting Queenstown
Well, you start your rafting adventure by driving one of the deadliest roads in the world... Skippers Canyon Road! With vertical drops and tight corners you'll be thankful for some white water rapids. You'll then set sail from Deep Creek 14km towards the exhilarating rapids of the lower canyon, paddling as hard and fast as you can while your raft instructor guides you down stream. Keep your ears open and eyes peeled as your instructor tells you about the history of the canyon. But make sure you pay attention to the 'Toilet Bowl', 'Mother-in-Law', the 'Tunnel' and 'Cascades'... they've been known to take even the bravest of rafters! Once you've made it through safe and sound, enjoy a hot shower and sauna back at base.

With enough adrenaline to get your heart pumping but a dedicated team that will make you feel as safe as houses, for me, Queenstown's white water rafting is the ULTIMATE adrenaline activity.

Where? 35 Shotover St, Queenstown

How much?

So there you have it! Hopefully now you'll have a better idea of what adrenaline activity you want to do. Still want to know more about Queenstown? Check out our blog on 'What makes New Zealand's South Island so cool?'

5 Reasons NOT to visit New Zealand

1. You're at risk of turning into a Hobbit.

hobbits in new zealand

You can actually go and visit the Hobbiton movie set from the famous Lord of the Rings trilogy and Hobbit films. And OMG, is it just the cutest thing you've ever seen! So cute in fact, that you'll want to move in and live in one of the Hobbit Holes forever. And EVER.

2. No other burgers will ever compare.

yummy ferburgers new zealand
Queenstown on New Zealand's South Island is home to the most majestic burger in the world, drum roll please... the Fergburger! As big as your face and as moist as you like, this burger is the daddy of all burgers. Choose from a mouth-watering menu selection, go for the Chief Wiggum, you won't regret it.

3. You'll spend most days weeping at the sheer beauty of your surroundings.

crying with joy at new zealand

With many thousand year old glaciers like Franz Josef, beautiful national parks such as Abel Tasman and the glistening emerald lakes of Tongariro, your mind is about to blown at the sight of New Zealand's scenery. You'll just burst into tears spontaneously and won't be able to stop looking at it. FACT.

4. You won't be able to stop jumping out of planes.

skydiving new zealand

Known as the "adventure capital of the world" New Zealand is a thrill-seeker's dream. With a plethora of adrenaline activities including white water rafting, jet boating, sky diving and bungy jumping to name a but a few, this country means business! But, you might get the wrong idea and attempt to jump out of your Emirates A380 on your flight back to the UK. Do not attempt this.

5. You'll form an unhealthy relationship with your car.

roadtrips new zealand
With wide open highways, hardly any other cars, epic backdrops and the fact they drive on the left-hand side of the road... New Zealand was born to be driven. Check out the 5 best drives in New Zealand here. But, it's likely you'll become obsessed with driving your car around everywhere and end up marrying it.

If you're fine with turning into a hobbit, marrying your car and constantly crying wherever you go, then sure, go to New Zealand. But we'd much rather be boring and never leave our bedroom. While you're at it, check out our blog on 5 reasons not to visit Australia. Who would be mad enough to go there?!

7 Backpacker confessions that will make you cringe!

We've all been there, a few too many bags of goon, one thing leads to another... and the next thing you know you're
naked in an unfamiliar bunk bed. But AT LEAST, you've never been one of these guys or have you?!

1. "I was attempting to climb the Mo Paeng waterfall in Thailand, but fell down — and couldn't get back up. Three local kids started to help me out, but in the process, they pulled down my pants." - Anonymous, aged 21, Bristol, England

embarrassed face

2. 'While hitchhiking through central and southern Europe with a friend, we opted to use cardboard signs with "Canada to Athens" written on them - because everyone likes Canadians. For the record, we're American.' - Anonymous, aged 26, Washington, DC, USA

sneaky face

3. "I forgot shower shoes for the hostel bathroom, so I pulled an Orange is the New Black and wrapped some maxi pads around my feet. Obviously I bought flip-flops the next day." - Anonymous, aged 19, Dublin, Ireland

4. "I got bed bugs my first night in Paris and brought them into my homestay — I was mortified." - Anonymous, aged 23, Sydney, Australia


5. "One of the girls in my hostel room in La Paz, Bolivia, was wasted drunk, so I decided to help her get into bed. Then all of the sudden, she started peeing. On me. Nice guy never wins, right?" - Anonymous, aged 22, London, England


6. 'I once had sex with someone in the sea during a backpacking trip to Mexico. We ended up climbing out into a little wooden boat about 10 metres from the beach. That's when the police came - with spotlights. The officers had taken all our clothes, so we had to beg them not to send us to prison. Completely naked.' - Anonymous, aged 26, London, England


7. "I went to bed early, and got woken up by someone puking on my hostel pillow a couple hours later." - Anonymous, aged 23, Berlin, Germany


Yuuuuuuck! Well, that's what backpacking is all about ...isn't it?

11 Signs you need to go travelling

1. Getting a seat on your morning commute is the highlight of your day.

morning commute

2. You don't know where your passport is.


3. The last cultural experience you had was an Indian takeaway.

eating takeaway

4. Your tan is about as real as Kris Jenner's face.

kris jenner

5. You celebrate hump days.


6. Sunday nights have become traumatising experience.

sunday nights sleeping beauty

7. You get OBSESSED with friends' Instagram accounts while they're on holiday.

stalking instagram

8. You feel a bit exotic when you eat an egg sandwich for lunch.


9. You keep making rubbish excuses why you can't go.


10. Your wavy beach hair comes from a bottle.

beach hair

11. You clicked on this blog.

travel jump friends

Just go already!

Want your travel blog published on our website?

Fancy yourself as a bit of a budding travel writer? Are you the next Nomadic Matt? Or think you could do better than The Blonde Abroad? Well, put your pen down (if pens are still a thing) and listen to this...

We've been nominated for Best Online Travel Agent at this year's Golden Backpack Awards and we would LOVE your votes! If you like what we're doing and have a spare 2 minutes please register & vote for us


As our way of saying a huuuuuuuuuge...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!


We will enter your name into our travel bog competition. The winning person will have their travel blog featured on our website aaaaaand get 10% off their next trip! How cool does that sound?

Go on, get voting!

Kia Ora! How well do you know Māori?

In honour of  Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week), we're going to put your lingual skills to the test and see if you can guess these key Māori words & phrases correctly. Comment below with your translations and if you're right, you'll receive a little something* from the Backpacker Deals team...

*an imaginary high five.

1. Kia Ora!


2. E noho rā


3. Niho


4. Whare paku


5. Awa




7. Haka


How many did you guess correctly? Need to brush up on your Māori? Head to Tamaki Māori Village in Rotorua and you'll be fluent in not time! Don't forget to comment below with your answers.

Top 10 Travel Instagrammers To Follow

We all need a little dose of daily wanderlust in our lives. It's what gets us through those Monday morning commutes. So, just for you, we've selected the Top 10 travel Instagrammers that will have you packing your bags before you can click like! Check out these beauties below...

1. @theblondeabroad


2. @expertvagabond


3. @polkadotpassport


4. @rachstewartnz


5. @jordhammond


6. @chris.glaze


7. @saltinourhair


8. @kiwisoffcourse


9. @drewbinsky


10. @wanderreds


No we're not jealous of them AT ALL. I guess the only thing for it is to start planning your trip!